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Blurred vision, blurred image – Amla can nourish the retina.

Macular degeneration, a condition leading to vision loss Which is most common in patients aged 60 years or over or in heredity

Because of our daily life Eyes are often severely damaged. Both in work Using the phone Watching television and sunlight, so eye preservation is something we have to pay special attention to. Because it may affect the vision In addition to getting enough rest Herbs Or food that nourishes the eyes It is very important.

Indian gooseberry or Indian tamarind, a fruit rich in vitamin C. That should not be overlooked under the tasting sour, this hiding many benefits that are unthinkable Amla is full of vitamin C. Good for the immune system It is believed to have an effect to strengthen the immune system. It is anti-inflammatory and helps treat a variety of diseases, one of which is visual disease. It is an important plant in traditional Ayurvedic medicine and many health care areas for hundreds of years. By taking advantage of different parts Of Makhampom, but it is most commonly used in making medicine. Is the fruit of amla

Age-Related Macular Degeneration: AMD

A condition that leads to loss of vision Which is most common in patients aged 60 years or over or in heredity It is caused by the visual acuity in the middle of the retina. Which macular degeneration occurs for many reasons This depends on the severity of the symptoms and the type. The retina is the posterior part of the eye. When looking at something The light that hits the object is transmitted as an electrical signal through the optic nerve to the brain. The retinal region contains the most sensitive part of the retina, the macula-lutea, which contains millions of photoreceptors that help to see clearer images.

There are two main types of retinal diseases.

  • Dry macular degeneration The most common about 90% of patients with this disease will degrade photosensitive cells. To have decay Or thinning of the image receiving point, which will deteriorate with age The ability to see gradually Keep decreasing
  • Wet macular degeneration is found in approximately 10-15% of all macular degeneration patients. But there is a problem of rapid damage and is the main cause of blindness. This is caused by abnormal growth of blood vessels under the retina causing the image center to swell, causing distorted vision. Until the visible image will darken and disappear

The risk of retinal disease

  • Age of patients with this disease is mostly 50 years or more.
  • Heredity It was found that the twins will have the same disease and found that about 50% of patients with this disease. Have a family history of the disease
  • Exposed to chronic sunlight or ultraviolet light without protection.
  • Excess weight Excess body weight May cause more macular degeneration
  • Smoking, drinking, and chronic exposure to tobacco smoke This significantly increases the risk of disease.
  • The disease is more common in women than men and is more common in white people.
  • Women in menopause who don’t take hormonal drugs are also at higher risk of macular degeneration.
  • People with coronary heart disease, eg high blood pressure. High cholesterol
  • Pathologic myopia, but some data indicate that people with hyperopia are more likely to develop this disease than those with normal or nearsightedness.

Symptoms of macular degeneration

  • Symptoms manifest differently in each patient and are difficult to detect in the early stages. Because symptoms tend to go out only when they start to become severe Therefore had to wait for an eye examination Therefore, people aged 40-64 years without visual disturbances should have an eye / retinal exam every 2-4 years.
  • People over the age of 65 are advised to check every one for 1-2 years, even if there are no abnormalities or observed problems. If it happens in both eyes, it may be faster than a person’s hearing because the symptoms are unusual. In the form of visual distortion, distortion centers around or not. I bet.

Diagnosis and treatment of macular degeneration

  • The ophthalmologist examines the eyes using iris instillation and an Opthalmoscope to see back retinal abnormalities.
    Tested with a special type of amsler grid, the ophthalmologist will test the special table, also known as amsler table. If the patient looks at See some blurry lines or faded lines. Doctors will assume that the patient may have macular degeneration.
  • Take a picture of the retina Sometimes the ophthalmologist will take pictures of the patient’s retina to find out what parts are damaged. There are many ways to take pictures of the retina. Such as the use of a camera Fundus (Fundus), a camera used for digital retinal images.X-ray examination of blood vessels holmium fluorescein angiography 41 holmium clearly visible in the blood vessels and the injection of blood flow is called fluorescence. Sen enters the blood vessel through the arm, which is through the blood vessel into the eye. The doctor maintains the continuity of the image. This suggests that in retinopathy a specific type of vascular perforation.

Treatment of dry macular degeneration

  • Should have an eye / retinal examination every 2-4 years and follow up with a doctor for an appointment to assess symptoms. Retinal disorders
  • Avoid smoking Avoid bright sunlight Wear sunglasses to protect against ultraviolet rays, eat five food groups, and foods rich in vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, zinc and lutein may slow macular degeneration.
  • Laser therapy may be helpful in some patients.

Treatment for wet macular degeneration

  • Use of vascular inhibitor drugs such as bevazumab, avalibur, sabranibisumab, avastin, eyliya lucentis, macugen, etc.
  • Photodynamic therapy is a 2-step treatment using photosensitizing drugs. To destroy abnormal blood vessels In which the doctor will inject it into the bloodstream To penetrate the blood vessels with abnormalities of the eye Then a cold laser light is emitted into the eye. To stimulate the drug to destroy the abnormal blood vessels again
  • Surgery is surgery to remove a new blood vessel.

Prevention of macular degeneration disease

  • The computer should be placed in a suitable location. Is placed next to the window The distance from us to the computer monitor is 50-70 cm and the screen is not too high or too low. If you have dry eyes, you should use artificial tears to drop your eyes. To add moisture to the eyes
  • Wear glasses every time you have to work in front of your computer. Especially glasses that protect your eyes from the blue light of a computer screen and good lens colors should be greenish, and sunglasses should be worn every time before leaving the house when there is bright sunlight.
  • Exercising and keeping your weight in check

*There is currently no cure for macular degeneration. But, eye care can be taken to help prevent vision loss. Or delay the illness of the disease*

In addition to the prevention of these diseases, some restaurants or herbal choices are a good choice. Medicinal plants for preventing and slowing down Jatropha curcas L.

Blurred vision, blurred image, amla Can nourish the retina

Benefits of Amla Amla (Indian gooseberry) is a plant in the same family as the gooseberry. Loaded with vitamin CD for the immune system, visual ailments, sore throat, cold remedies, amla can also help reduce fever.

  • Relieve thirst if you feel thirsty. Eating fresh amla will help reduce thirst.
  • Relieve colds, relieve sore throat. One of the good properties of Makhampom is Help relieve sore throat Make phlegm dissolve colds because the amla contains tannins and high in vitamin C. Sour taste of amla Can dissolve phlegm very well.
  • Prevent eye disease Amla is high in vitamins. Has antioxidant properties Help slow down the development of macular degeneration and cataract.
  • Prevent cancer Believe it or not, Makhampom Has anti-cancer properties In amla there is an astringent called gallic acid and tannin, which inhibits the formation of cancer cells.
  • Cure constipation Vitamin C in Amla Helps to promote the digestive system The rubber of Ma Khom Pom has a laxative effect. Makes the digestive system better Relieve constipation

Nutrients and nutritional value

100 grams of fresh amalgam contains 58 kilocalories, 0.70 protein, 29 mg calcium, 21 mg phosphorus, 2.40 g of dietary fiber, 0.50 g of fat, 84.10 g of water, 0.5 mg of iron, 276 mg of vitamin C, 0.03 mg of vitamin B1, 0.04 mg of vitamin B2 and Nia. 0.2 g of sin

  • Cabbage and stevia root
  • The stem bark contains tannin, steviol and digoxin.
  • The cotyledon contains tannin, malic acid and total alcohol solution.
  • Spiny branches have tannins.
  • POM POM seed contains volatile oil
  • Nutmeg contains water, protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamin C, B23, tannin, fruit acids and minerals.

How to safely eat amla

  • You can also make a variety of dishes or drinks such as tamarind paste, makham, makham, pom jam, and more. Nam Makham Pom Makham Pom Comed
  • People with heart disease should avoid Because it stimulates the function of the heart and blood vessels, it must work harder.
  • Diabetes, tamarind helps prevent diabetes if it is an untreated result, but for those who need medication. Monkeys should consult a doctor because it can prevent the treatment of diabetes.
  • Hypertension patients should avoid tamarind sauce in the form of kimchi, because it is an edible salt. High sodium intake, which is directly affected by elevated blood pressure.
  • Pregnant women and mothers who are in breastfeeding should avoid eating tamarind.
  • For patients with surgery plans, do not eat tamarind for at least 2 weeks.

อ้างอิงข้อมูล: pobpad,beezab,honestdocs

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