กรดไขมันโอเมก้า 3-6-9 สารอาหารที่จำเป็นสำหรับคุณแม่ตั้งครรภ์

Mother’s Main Nutrients During Pregnancy

Mother’s key nutrients during pregnancy

     Moms Did you know that During pregnancy, the mother also needs more energy than usual in order to provide enough for both life because the baby then What nutrients and energy do you need to get? Here we will introduce many essential nutrients. For all mothers who are pregnant are as follows.

Omega-3 fatty acids

     Omega-3 fatty acids are beneficial and essential to every pregnant woman. It is an essential fatty acid found in deep sea fish such as salmon, tuna, organic fish, sardines and other marine life. And they are also found in grains such as soybeans, Inca star peas and pumpkin seeds. Getting omega-3 fatty acids During pregnancy it is important for the development of the nervous system. And the baby’s brain Because in omega-3 fatty acids It contains a fatty acid called Docosahexaenoic Acid or DHA as a component. Which plays an important part in brain development Especially in memory and learning, studies have also found that taking omega-3 fatty acids during pregnancy makes babies smarter.

กรดไขมันโอเมก้า 3-6-9 สารอาหารที่จำเป็นสำหรับคุณแม่ตั้งครรภ์

Folic acid

     Folic acid reduces the risk of developing congenital abnormalities such as spinal disorders. The best time to eat is a few months before pregnancy. And during the 1st phase of pregnancy (first 12 weeks) during that time It is very important that mothers eat a healthy diet and complete five groups. While eating folic acid Which can be found in Green vegetables like broccoli, cabbage, pods and peas and fruits like oranges are also included.


Iron and vitamin C

     Iron is a constantly needed nutrient during pregnancy. Because it allows oxygen to flow with red blood cells Which is what the unborn baby uses in brain development If iron deficiency The unborn child may be fine. But mothers themselves are at risk of developing anemia, so you need to be sure to eat foods high in iron, such as fruits and vegetables that are high in vitamin C. To aid in better absorption


     The intake of calcium in pregnant mothers Has a very important part In pregnant mothers who should receive calcium, 1,200 mg per day. To be sufficient to meet the needs of the body Calcium, in particular, plays an important role in building bones and teeth. Prevent osteoporosis in mothers as well. Calcium sources can be obtained from foods such as milk, yogurt, butter, egg yolks, green vegetables, and whole grains.

All of these nutrients are things that mothers need to complete in equal proportions, not focusing too much on any particular group. But need to focus on the nutrients that the body lacks during pregnancy. Which can consult your doctor for good advice with your mother