Omega Dietary Supplement from Sachi Inchi (Oil type)
250 ml.


Omega Dietary Supplement from Sachi Inchi

(Oil Type)

Product Information: Omega 3,6.9 oil from Sachi Inchi suitable for people who need High Density Lipoprotein (HDL) or essential fatty acid. The product is safe for infants and recommended for people who would like to improve their health.

Dosage: 1 Tea Spoon before Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and before bed for 7 days. After this, 1 Tea Spoon before Breakfast and before bed.

Ingredient: 100% Sachi Inchi oil


  1. Reduce blood pressure

  2. Help control Diabetes

  3. Decrease cholesterol

  4. Decrease the risk of heart disease and high blood pressure

  5. Help cure diabetic ulcer


  1. Do not consume with Thrombolytic drugs. Please stop taking Thrombolytic drugs immediately if consuming Omega 3,6,9 oil.

  2. Stop taking Omega 3,6,9 immediately if bleeding. Omega 3,6,9 oil will effected in slow blood clotting.

  3. Patients with low Platelets, Thalassemia and Anemia are strictly prohibited from consuming Omega 3,6,9 oil.

  4. Woman with 1-7 months pregnancy should not consume Omega 3,6,9. It should be consumed after the 7th month to help improving fetus’ development and should be stopped 1 month before the deliver.

  5. Patients who are in recovering state from cancer, Dengue and patients with low Platelets should not consume Omega 3,6,9 oil.

  6. Patients should stop consuming Omega 3,6,9 oil at least 1 month before any surgery or tooth extraction.

  7. Do not use Omega 3,6,9 oil for foods that require heating such as fried food. It also cannot be heated in microwave..

Size : 250 ml